News and Updates!

January Newsletter

Written by California Jobs First | Jan 25, 2024 6:29:48 PM

CA Jobs First: Recent Developments and Updates

Happy New Year LA HRTC Partners,

We hope you have started the New Year on a positive note and that you have had a restful period. Updates, progress reports, and upcoming steps for the California Jobs First Initiative are ready to be shared with you!

CJF Catalyst Program:

The CJF Catalyst Program grant application underwent two comment periods before submission. The grant writer incorporated feedback and suggestions from the Steering Committee during this process. The Steering Committee approved the final submission, which is now available for viewing. We are currently awaiting updates on the awarding of contracts for the CJF Catalyst grant and will promptly inform our partners as soon as more information becomes available.

CJF Catalyst Program Final  Application 

Regional Plan Part 1 Submission:

Part 1 of the Regional Plan was submitted to the interagency team, meeting the December 31st deadline. This submission followed a thorough review process, incorporating feedback and obtaining final approval from the Steering Committee.

Noteworthy elements of Regional Plan Part 1 include a draft of the Regional Summary conducted by CVL Economics and the SWOT Analysis by Beacon Economics. CVL Economics will be submitting the final version in February.

Although the Industry Cluster Analysis by Beacon Economics remains pending completion, the interim solution involved utilizing LAEDC's Institute for Applied Economics industry cluster research as a temporary substitute. This measure was implemented to maintain compliance with the regulatory requirements, ensuring that the plan incorporates the most relevant data available while awaiting the final report from Beacon Economics.

Regional Report Part 1 

Affinity Hub Funding and Convenings:

Our fiscal agent has collaborated with PayKeeper to execute the formal contracting process with our Affinity Hub Leads. Twelve elected Affinity Hub Leads will each receive $50,000 as part of their compensation. The payment schedule was finalized with an 80% upfront payment of $40,000, and the remaining 20% will be paid at the end of the contract term. The contracted Affinity Hub Leads have already received their first disbursement and are scheduled to convene this month to kick off their work in the California Jobs First initiative. For more information about the Affinity Hub Leads, please refer to their contract below. Additionally, it is important to note that upcoming events and convenings organized by the Affinity Hub Leads within their respective affinity areas will be shared and announced with the LA HRTC.

Affinity Hub Lead Contract 

LA HRTC Bylaws:

The development of Bylaws for the LA HRTC and Steering Committee is near completion, incorporating feedback from members and extensive review from the Steering Committee. A final document will be brought to the LA HRTC. 

Capacity Training Contract:

The CJF team has received proposals and has conducted interviews with organizations interested in the capacity training contract with a budget of $75,000. The finalization process is pending. 

 Next Steps: 

The California Jobs First team, along with the Steering Committee, is working to develop the selection process to award funding for 8 Table Partner Leads and 90 Subregional Tables. These groups will play a pivotal role in initiating the community outreach efforts of our initiative.

Stay tuned for more updates and progress!


Upcoming CJF LA HRTC Partners Meeting

Join us for our upcoming Partners Meeting on January 12th, 2024, scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. PDT. We look forward to sharing the latest updates on the CJF program with you.


Upward Mobility Workshop by Urban Institute

Join us for an interesting and interactive workshop hosted by the Urban Institute to discuss and learn more about factors and tools that support Upward Mobility. Check out this page to learn more about Urban’s Upward Mobility Framework.

Session description: Upward mobility from poverty has stagnated in recent decades—generations of Americans born in the 1970s and later can no longer expect to do better than their parents. To support an understanding of the factors that impact upward mobility, researchers at the Urban Institute will introduce the Upward Mobility Framework, and also walk through a number of free and public tools available to help actors interested in boosting upward mobility from poverty.

Thursday, January 18th, 2024

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

OPR Awards $21.7M in Regional Resilience Grants to 16 Regional Partnerships 

Part of the Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program (ICARP), the Regional Resilience Grant will fund 16 regional partnerships in its first round. Regional Resilience Grant funds will support partnerships in addressing regional climate risks through two project types: planning and implementation. Learn more about the awarded projects in the press release.

Help Shape the Vulnerable Communities Platform: A Central Hub for Equitably Assessing Climate Vulnerability

ICARP staff is developing the Vulnerable Communities Platform to assist community practitioners, government staff, and others to understand and visualize the factors driving future vulnerability to climate change so they can make informed adaptation planning, policy, and investment decisions. Once complete, the Vulnerable Communities Platform will include climate hazard and sensitivity maps, documentation of on-the-ground community impacts, a collection of tools related to climate change vulnerability, and a selection of other resources related to climate change vulnerability. ICARP staff will present our progress and welcome feedback at the upcoming Climate Resilience Nexus event later this month. 

You can also help shape this important tool and sign up for updates by clicking the button below and filling out the interest form.

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